We are accepting new patients!
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm with later hours if needed.
are same day appointments.
Phones are answered starting at
7:30 am on Saturday and 11:30am Sunday
Hours are 8:30- 10:30 Saturday
12:30-1:30 Sunday
We ask that all non-urgent matters (forms drop off or pick up, etc.) are taken care of between 8am-5pm.
Thank You
Dr. Holly Hoffman has retired after 39 years at Carlisle Pediatrics. Her work and care for the children and young adults in the area is commendable.
Currently she is the president of the St. Paul Lutheran Apartment Ministry, chair of St. Paul We Care Team, volunteers as a pediatric provider at Community Check Up in Harrisburg and is also on the Steering Committee for Community Cares new shelter.
Her medical roles are Vice President of Cumberland County Medical Society and Medical Director at Christ Lutheran Health Ministries in Harrisburg. She's on the board of the Medical Group of Pennsylvania and Compass Immigration Legal Services.
After retirement, her new roles will be a delegate to DOTAC (Diakonia of the Americas and Carribean) and she will become active in Friends of Kings Gap. In her spare time she will travel in her RV, along with her cats, and will be concentrating more on her art work. We thank her for her time and dedication to Carlisle Pediatrics.
Welcome Dr. Chukwudifu
Stay Tuned
Dr. Bridget Chukwudifu, MD
Dr. Chukwudifu has joined our group as of August 1st 2024. She is local to the area and a native of Pennsylvania. Her professional interest is caring for medically complicated children. Please help us in welcoming her to Carlisle Pediatrics. Click the "Practice" tab to read more information about Dr. Chukwudifu.
NEW: Telehealth (consent form on "Forms and Downloads" page)
General Health
Prevention & Wellness
Please note - We do not practice fragmented care.
If you choose to go to an Urgent Care Center for your routine physical we will not be able to administer the corresponding vaccines due to risks posed by the lack of an updated history and physical exam in our files.
Work/School/Travel Exams
ADD / ADHD Disorder management
Adolescent gynecological exams
Minor surgical services
Mental Health Issues
We offer the new 2023-2024 formulation COVID vaccine to anyone 6 months of age and older.
You don't have to be a patient in our office to receive the vaccine, as long as we accept your insurance.
Please call today to schedule.
If your child is under 18 years of age and is coming to an appointment alone or with someone other than a parent or legal guardian WE MUST HAVE an authorization to treat your child or they cannot be seen.
The doctors are on the Consulting Staff at UPMC Carlisle and provide Emergency Room consultations when needed. Newborns are cared for by hospital physicians who coordinate care with our office when your baby is discharged. The hospital no longer has a pediatric floor. Our patients requiring inpatient care are admitted to UPMC West Shore, Hershey Medical Center, UPMC Harrisburg, or York Hospital and treated by pediatric hospitalists, with whom we maintain close contact.